Graduated in 1988 from “Ecole Supérieure d’Ingénieur en Electronique et Electrotechnique” in Paris. Previously with Nokia & Alcatel Mobile phones to design signal processing algorithms, Medium Access Control protocols and test tools for 2G cellular handsets & systems assembly, he joined Thales Alenia Space to manage the development of satellite payload equipment and the design of advanced Satellite Communication Systems (GEO and Non GEO). He has successfully initiated and led several European collaborative research projects in FP6, FP7, H2020 as well as ESA ARTES context. He has been chairing the SatCom Working Group of Networld2020 technology platforms ( during 9 years and as such was member of the partnership board of the 5G Infrastructure Association ( Nicolas has published several papers on innovative Satellite System concepts. Currently he is defining and developing Satellite Solutions for 5G and 6G systems. In addition, he is the lead representative of Thales in 3GPP TSG RAN where he is the rapporteur of the standardisation on the integration of satellite in 5G since 2017 (https://www.3gpp. org/news-events/partners-news/2254-ntn_rel17). He also chairs since 2006 the Satellite Communication and Navigation working group at ETSI ( Last, he is the technical manager of the Horizon Europe research project “6G-NTN” (https://www.6g-ntn. eu/).