Włodzimierz GRUDZIŃSKI
Has over 30 years of experience in
banking as for 17 years (1990-2007)
CEO of Bank for Socio-Economical
Initiatives BISE SA, which was one
of the pioneers of financing SMEs,
local governments, social economy,
and housing communities in Poland.
Co-founder and 12-year-long member
of the Board of the Polish Bank Association
(PBA), from 2001 to 2009 its
Vice-Chairman, actively participating in the construction and
development of the Polish banking sector.
From 2009 to 2024, he was the advisor to the PBA and the
member of the Ethics Committee.
He is a co-founder of FEBEA (European Federation of Ethical
and Alternative Banks and Financiers) and from 2014 to 2024
its Vice-Chairman. During the period 2018- 2024, he was was a
member of European Commission’s Advisory Group GECES
(Expert Group on Social Economy and Social Enterprises).
He is Chairman of the Board of the Junior Achievement
Foundation, Chairman of the Board of the Foundation for
Financial Advisory Standards €FPA Poland, a member of the
Ethics Committee of the €FPA Europe, and a member of the
Finance Committee of the Auschwitz-Birkenau Foundation.
He is also a member of juries of competitions: Social Entrepreneur
of the Year; Irena Sendler Award for Teachers “For
Repairing the World”; Ethics in Finance.